![]() | To Kill a Mockingbird (Mass Market Paperback) - ![]() 하퍼 리 지음/Warner Books |
1961년 퓰리처 상 수상작. 1930년대 미국 남부 앨라배마 주의 조그만 마을인 메이컴을 배경으로, 진 루이스 핀치(스카웃)라는 여성이 어린시절을 회상하는 방식으로 구성되어 있다. 천진한 어린아이의 눈으로 바라본 시골 마을의 풍경, 주변 인물들에 대한 정감어린 묘사, 유년기의 아스라한 기억들이, 따뜻하고 정밀하게 그려진다.
변호사인 아버지와 네 살 위의 오빠 젬과 함께 살고 있는 말괄량이 소녀 스카웃은 어른들의 세계에 대해 조금씩 이해를 넓혀 간다. 특히 억울하게 강간범으로 몰린 흑인 톰 로빈슨을 아버지 핀치 변호사가 변호하게 되면서, 한뼘 더 성숙하고 사려깊은 소녀로 성장하게 된다.
이 소설을 얘기할 때 대개 '인종차별', '흑백갈등' 쪽에 초점이 맞춰져왔지만, 이 소설은 그보다 더 보편적인 주제-차이와 관용의 문제에 대해 이야기하는 책이다. 하퍼 리의 유일한 단행본이며, 1962년 그레고리 팩 주연으로 영화화되어 좋은 평가를 받기도 했다.
At the age of eight, Scout Finch is an entrenched free-thinker. She can accept her father's warning that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, because mockingbirds harm no one and give great pleasure. The benefits said to be gained from going to school and keeping her temper elude her.
The place of this enchanting, intensely moving story is Maycomb, Alabama. The time is the Depression, but Scout and her brother, Jem, are seldom depressed. They have appalling gifts for entertaining themselves?appalling, that is, to almost everyone except their wise lawyer father, Atticus.
Atticus is a man of unfaltering good will and humor, and partly because of this, the children become involved in some disturbing adult mysteries: fascinating Boo Radley, who never leaves his house; the terrible temper of Mrs. Dubose down the street; the fine distinctions that make the Finch family "quality"; the forces that cause the people of Maycomb to show compassion in one crisis and unreasoning cruelty in another.
Also because Atticus is what he is, and because he lives where he does, he and his children are plunged into a conflict that indelibly marks their lives?and gives Scout some basis for thinking she knows just about as much about the world as she needs to.
Winner of the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for Literature, Fiction.
변호사인 아버지와 네 살 위의 오빠 젬과 함께 살고 있는 말괄량이 소녀 스카웃은 어른들의 세계에 대해 조금씩 이해를 넓혀 간다. 특히 억울하게 강간범으로 몰린 흑인 톰 로빈슨을 아버지 핀치 변호사가 변호하게 되면서, 한뼘 더 성숙하고 사려깊은 소녀로 성장하게 된다.
이 소설을 얘기할 때 대개 '인종차별', '흑백갈등' 쪽에 초점이 맞춰져왔지만, 이 소설은 그보다 더 보편적인 주제-차이와 관용의 문제에 대해 이야기하는 책이다. 하퍼 리의 유일한 단행본이며, 1962년 그레고리 팩 주연으로 영화화되어 좋은 평가를 받기도 했다.
At the age of eight, Scout Finch is an entrenched free-thinker. She can accept her father's warning that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird, because mockingbirds harm no one and give great pleasure. The benefits said to be gained from going to school and keeping her temper elude her.
The place of this enchanting, intensely moving story is Maycomb, Alabama. The time is the Depression, but Scout and her brother, Jem, are seldom depressed. They have appalling gifts for entertaining themselves?appalling, that is, to almost everyone except their wise lawyer father, Atticus.
Atticus is a man of unfaltering good will and humor, and partly because of this, the children become involved in some disturbing adult mysteries: fascinating Boo Radley, who never leaves his house; the terrible temper of Mrs. Dubose down the street; the fine distinctions that make the Finch family "quality"; the forces that cause the people of Maycomb to show compassion in one crisis and unreasoning cruelty in another.
Also because Atticus is what he is, and because he lives where he does, he and his children are plunged into a conflict that indelibly marks their lives?and gives Scout some basis for thinking she knows just about as much about the world as she needs to.
Winner of the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for Literature, Fiction.